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Livraisons britanniques

Publié : Lun Déc 21, 2020 6:15 pm
par Patrice
Heresy Miniatures vient de poster ça sur sa page FB, ça doit être pareil pour les autres :

« IMPORTANT DELIVERY NEWS: All road services to the EU from the UK, from Royal Mail and all the other courier companies, are temporarily suspended due to the ban on freight and traffic between UK and France, which is a result of the new strain of Covid found in the south-east of the UK. The Eurotunnel trains are not running, so nobody can deliver the mail by road until the situation is resolved. Keep watching the news for more information on this. (Apparently there's much less Airmail travel involved than I thought I was paying for)
I will still be shipping the parcels, so that they are in the Royal Mail system, postmarked, before the January 1st deadline that will see customs and/or vat duties imposed on my EU keep ordering! But be aware that stuff has gone to hell and there will be unavoidable delays now! »

En bref : les liaisons routières et Eurotunnel du Royaume-Uni vers l'Union Européenne sont provisoirement suspendues, y compris pour Royal Mail et les autres sociétés de courrier (en raison de la nouvelle souche de Covid). Donc des livraisons de figurines vont rester coincées. Il conseille quand même de passer les commandes avant le 1er janvier, il continue à les poster de peur d'avoir de la TVA dessus ensuite (à cause du Brexit).